Registry setting to allow "reaching inside foreign subframes"
I'm trying to script some functional tests using Watir (doesn't really matter what testing system, probably) which basically hooks into IE 7 via some sort of COM component, and I'm hitting a roadblock. In particular, on Vista IE 7, I'm not able to automate anything inside of "foreign subframes". So, to explain, I have a web site that hosts a frame, and that frame has a different domain of reference than its parent, and I need to basically click a button in that frame with my automation script. So, I totally understand that in general, it's good security policy to not allow this in general, but I'd like to make this happen during my testing, so that I can test how these flows perform on Vista IE 7. These scripts work on XP IE 7 with "low" security settings. (and there, I just bump down my settings while I test). I'm hoping that you guys might know of registry settings that I could try change and loosen up the securty restrictions around this issue. Thanks! Brian Rosenthal
April 3rd, 2009 6:13pm

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